Friday, 28 January 2011

Infinity: A Bargain

I've been going after tactics on the Infinity Forum and was approached by a Belgian with £200 worth of mini's to sell at half price...

I now have more Haqqislam than I can ever field. Still - my options are varied!

Unlike 40k, Infinity doesn't 'scale' well to bigger games, this is because all the reactions multiple up (to the power - for all you mathematians out there) until no-one can move anywhere without being spotted, slotted and shotted...

If you take my meaning. As such, the lists and battle are much more about objective tailored missions and matching different skills against different forces. That said - I'm really excited about painting up these simply stunning models and having some real fun.
Sorry for the short post - but my babies are calling me...

Peace out 40k-ers.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Infinity: First game thoughts and miniature feedback


As you may be aware I'm delving into a non 40k universe called infinity, as I'm keening for some 'real' skirmish game kicks.

Anton (of the Anarchy) played a proxy game against me on Tuesday (my models arrived Wednesday - typical!) and I got my first thorough look at the game dynamics.

The irony is that it's actually a far easier, looser and more fluid game to play than 40k. The turn sequences operate totally differently, so you don't have to worry so much about 'MOVE-FIRE-ASSAULT' and feel cheated/nervous about missing a models move or forgetting that shooting.

The basis of the game dynamics are fixed around two things:

1) Everything that is non-standard requires a roll. This would appear straightforward, but unlike 40k, there isn't an exhaustive list of causal relationships delivered in the rulebook. The simple answer to 'would jumping through a window slow me down' is to have a chat about it. We decided that jumping through a window wouldn't slow you to half movement, but that I needed to 'succeed' a physical roll to make it through the window... otherwise an embarrassing 'trip-fall' fail would occur. In this way, the game plays more like a D&D game than 40k.

2) Everything is about 'face to face' challenges. Example: I step out and shoot you, you can react. I have a BS of 14 (which is pretty good), you are a crap shot (10) but are rock solid physically (15), you therefore decide to dodge/charge me using your good stat, rather than hope for a critical (a roll of 10 - 1:20 chance) or a bad roll from me. A face to face requires you to score below your stat (with modifiers) but higher than your opponent. This leads to some dynamic 'face-offs' - which is what skirmish is all about!

As you can probably assess from above, this approach means that games simply steam along ... with more focus on face-offs and actions, than rules research, which is nice!

The final piece of the puzzle is orders ... which are similar to the activations used in Hordes/Warmachine. Basically you get 1 order per member of your merry band, but this order (if they are a trained 'regular' soldier) can be expended on any model in the band. This makes the play very dynamic, as a player with order in hand can attack, attack and attack again in close combat! This disproportion is balanced by the reactions every single order would provoke.

In the game on Tuesday, I used my Fiday (think Jon Grammaticus from Dan Abnetts Legion) to stalk a sniper cell. He then climbed the tower and massacred the two guys up there with his explosive close combat weapon, all in one turn. None of the rest of my army really moved and he used up 7/10 total orders. Such behaviour is called 'Rambo-ing' and is frown on by the Infinity players. It's within the rules, but isn't this broken??

Well no, as every time Fiday walked in front of the enemy they could attempt to spot he wasn't one of theirs, tricky but even so... two good spots (which they managed) and he would have been peppered full of holes. The other alternative is to 'box him in' using suppression fire. Suppression fire is like what Overwatch should be.

Remember, everyone in this game effectively has overwatch, they can react to the appearance of an enemy model, and either dodge, or take one shot etc. Suppression fire means that ANY enemy model that walks through you're 1.5 inch wide channel will be hit by a full burst of fire (rather than one shot), so every model gets 3-4 shots worth of death. It costs, but it's good.

So overall, the game works very well, I would be intrigued by the builds which would turn up for tournament play - but they have a different subset of rules for that. In pick up play, it plays fast and loose and is a lot of fun.


The models I've ordered are gorgeous. They are (unlike 40k) quite delicate. My 2 year old son looked in the spray box this morning for monsters and broke 2 newly glued ones... what strikes me is how 'out of proportion' these models make space marines and imperial guard look. 40k models are largely built to be handled by the 'store-kid', these aren't. As such the swords are realistically thin, the rifle muzzles are delicate. There's a very artistic french/anime style to the models. Additionally, the women models are attractive and well proportioned (so are the men models, but yeah ... that came out a bit letchy...?)

What struck we immediately was the lack of mold line on any of the models. There just weren't any. Flash was more of a problem - but all so thin it came away easily. There also a lack of those weird GW lead wiry bits sticking out of the models extremities - I wonder why? The detail on the models exceeds GW, there's no doubt. There is layers of detail, the Lasiq's longcoat is impregnated with layers of tron looking tech cloth ... it's extraordinary and I'm seriously concerned that my painting abilities won't cope. Fingers crossed.

The poses of the mini's can vary. I've selected my models on those I feel are the most attractive and some of the others I left online are a little 'meh?'. That said I'm very pleased with my merry band. They are now glued (and reglued, thanks son...) and blackbased and ready for painting tonight...

WIP to follow.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Getting Infinite: an Intro

As I've highlighted in the last post, Infinity is a true skirmish game compared to 40k. I'm not up to speed on the fluff yet, but here's a biblically brief synopsis:

a) It's the Far future
b) A bunch of Wormholes happened
c) Different Cultures busied off through wormholes
d) Cultures diversified and embedded away from others
e) come back AND FIGHT!

Infinity fighting is all about the secret war between the factions, which can be loosely pulled down like this:

PANOCEANIA: The big power. Think America meets Halo with a fanatical religious twist (America meets Halo then, boom boom!), me no like them.

YU JING: The other big power. Chinese/Japanese Culture. The Chinese are the high tech masters, the Japanese are treated as second class citizens and cannon fodder (boot -> other foot) but with wicked cool Ninjas. Think uber gundam/appleseed with a heady mix of Shaolin Monks and Samurai thrown in. I'd get these guys ... but Spin's already maxed out!

ARIADNA: Cossacks, French, Scots and American. These guys were some of the earliest wormholers and got proper "Buck Rogered" and have only just come back. Low tech, numerous, but they've bought Werewolves... Anton's got these guys covered.

HAQQISLAM: Eco-Muslims with a divine mission. I was drawn to the environmentalist warrior angle, plus the models are seriously cool. You've got Tuaregs alongside Cyber-warriors ... great fun and many many many machine guns ... ho,ho,ho! My choice.

MERCENARIES: Hordes like faction that can be picked in pieces by anyone. Not an army in their own right ... but great models.

NOMADS: Babylon 5 meets Battlestar. Very cool models, these guys never left their colony ships and have been cruising the galaxy picking up cool tech and nasty viruses ... my second choice and the last of the 'mostly human' armies.

ALEPH: Ghost in the Shell, truly. Aleph is an ultimate uber-intelligence (Think SKYNET), with a horde of hackers and droids in their army ... but more on that angle later. Gorgeous models, serious firepower ALL round.

COMBINED ARMY: Aliens, lots of aliens. They are ugly, but very cool. Aliens in their alienest alienation. Yep, make the Tau look positively homely.

And that's it, so Suneokun, I hear you say ... how does it play?


As I've previously mentioned, 40k is quite ludicrous in its 'turn sequence', because in real life - if you stomp around the corner, I will shoot you - yep, thought so. So in my (albeit limited) experience where would I place infinity?

HORDES/WARMACHINE: Well i've had a go at hordes, and there's a gamut of random information that you have to get your head around ... activations, boosts and cumulative attacks ... its very very cool, but a world away from 40k. That said the combat style is actually very close, with a strong lean towards chopping eachother up. At least it still uses D6.

MALIFAUX: Eeek, well Malifaux's even more odd, dropping dice altogether and using cards, similar to Hordes in activations and actions, it has a pot full of unique ideas and concepts and very specific rules to get your head around. Neither HORDES or MALIFAUX are happy with the 40k term USR. While there's still a lot of shooting, over half the death dealing is dealt in close combat (but in an elegant and majestic way).

INFINITY: I don't know about you, but I hadn't noticed many soldiers in Afghanistan or Iraq sporting halberds and basterd-swords? Lets face it, close combat tilt is popular as its not actually very common in real combat (take the Japanese in WW2, the last army to successfully (?!??!??) arrange bayonet charges). Infinity has a decidedly shooting tilt, and is a skirmish game in line with Necromunda and Confrontation (for you old buggers out there), but well, better.

Here's the top eight which makes Infinity cool:
  1. Everyone operates independently, but in squads. Well dah? This means orders are shared between squads of up to 10 men, and your army is spread out, hugging cover. Oh and the squads, well they're up to you!
  2. You can shoot people when they come into view. Or dodge out of the way, or charge them, or run away. Snipers are really snipers in this game, not ratlings. Think how this changes the game mechanic, you have to plan ahead, cover eachothers backs, create firezones and ambushes. Everyone (yes I know, everyone, how weird) get an Automatic Reaction Roll, and can well, react.
  3. Face to face nearly always has one winner and one loser. But at least its a competition. This has a certain 'top-trumps' aspect. Going toe-to-toe with a MeQ equivilent, then don't shoot - try to dodge or run away ... or hack his internal power armour, take control and make him shoot his buddies instead.
  4. You've got six men, you get six orders, but you can spend them how you like. So the guard at the back isn't 'wasting' his actions, he's giving them to the sniper or ninja who be killing! Each order equates to one long action (cautious movement, laying a mine, suppressing fire) or two short actions, run and shoot. So in a ten man squad can get one guy with a Heavy Machine Gun fire 80 shots (but they'll be 10 shots coming back at him!).
  5. In addition, you can launch combined orders. This cost the same, per man, but they all do it on a Lethal Weapon "1...2...3" and can only be reacted to once. Need to kill that pesky armoured monster, time to gang up on him...
  6. There's an arms race going on ... so power armour is awesome, but liable to hacking. Sometimes lowtech is best tech. This maps into all the best things about System Shock 2, Bioshock and Fallout 3.
  7. Cover (and camouflage) affects both your to hit roll (usually -3, -6 in a bunker), and its also affects armour rolls. so cover is truly king for everyone.
  8. Camouflage is intrinsic to the game. You have lictor like camouflage, Impersonation (particularly evil) camouflage and straight 'you can't see me until you make an 'identify' roll' and I can react... or I shoot.
Awesome-sauce all round! Downside, well the close combat is a bit clunky...

Suneokun's Army list

Here's a quick synopsis of the starter army I've opted for and why they are cool.

Light Infantry - these are largely basic troops or engineers, with minimal armour.

Hassassin Muyib Lieutenant: He comes with a Rifle (which is standard fare in this game, and unlike the lasgun - actually effective) and a grenade launcher. The grenade launcher allows him to drop both parabolic shots (indirect) of normal grenades or smoke. Smoke is essential in a game which loves cover and can allow you to assume a better firing position, without being shot at.

2 Daylami: Irregular (ie untrained) but cheap, standard armament of a rifle and shotgun. 50/50 shots and no armour. One Daylami has a 2 shot panzerfaust (that's bazooka).

3 Ghulam: Think IG veterans, better trained, slightly better shots and (unlike Daylami) can work in combined actions with all other regular troops. Armed the same.

Skirmishers: Light Special Forces trained in stealth and infiltration.

Hassassin Fiday: veteran at shooting and evil in hand to hand, he carries smoke grenades, antipersonnel mines and an armour piercing CCW (close combat weapon) on top of his rifle and shotgun. He's particularly nasty as he can pretend to be an enemy soldier and wander about laying mines, dropping grenades and stabbing people in the back. Evil. He also has Martial Art Level 3 ... which is a bit mean.

Tuareg: I've avoided going for another sniper (I already have 2) and instead gone for the hacker model. Another Veteran with the rifle/Shotgun comba and antipersonnel mines ... she can infiltrate AND has Thermo-optic camoflague (think Sam in Splinter Cell)... so she can be placed without placing her, can then move about without being shot at AND can take the first shot when she wants to engage WITHOUT THE ENEMY BEING ABLE TO REACT!

Medium Infantry - here we get into the bigger boys with the better armour...

Hassassin Lasiq: Good shot. She has Armour (which helps) and mimetism (basic camoflague -3 to hit), and she can climb walls like a monkey, she also has an x-visor - which effectively makes her a great shot at medium to long range. She fires a viral sniper rifle, which is both long range and very very evil.

Hassassin Ragik: Deep striking, armoured, dogged (ignores incoming fire for panic tests) carrying standard weaponry (Rifle and Shotgun, which are pretty good). Better shooter, even better in combat. Think IG Storm trooper.

Djanbazan: Another Sniper, he has a multispectral visor - which means he's the man when it comes to spotting all the camo'd enemies. He can also fire through smoke with no penalty. He has multiterrain (so getting around is no bother) and he has armour and regeneration. Which means he can spend an order, take a physical test and regain a wound.

Heavy Infantry: A Space Marine ... but not.

Asawira Regiment: This guy is seriously nasty, he packs an Armour Piercing Rifle (nice) and a nano-pulser (which is an illegal weapon, against the secret war conventions and effectively pulps the competition). He's nearly as big a monster in combat as Fiday, with Martial Arts L2. His explosive CCW (don't ask) means every wound he causes force THREE rolls - Eeek! Oh and he's got two wounds and regenerate.


I guess I'll soon discover I chose all the wrong toys, but I've chosen all these models on looks and sometimes stats. Their options for synergy are endless and should make for a lot of fun. The best part of all. This army is 'equivalent' in play and game time to a 1500pt army list.

And it cost me £51 for the 12 models from Maelstrom Games in the January Sales (thanks Anton).

The Defiler and the Obliterator cost me more than that!!!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

2011 - Stepping away from 40k

After the rush of completing my Tyranids, I'm now polishing off the Chaos Space Marines with a well earned Defiler and final Obliterator... I know I did say they were finished, but this is what my wife would term 'tidying up the corners' ... and pickers have bigger knickers.

Anyhow, with the Tyranids completely done I was feeling a significant amount of basing/modelling/painting burnout - generally in the 40k field. My next options are:

a) Build and paint the Defiler, Obliterator (underway) and finish the paintjob on the last rhino.
b) Base 200+ Guardsmen
c) Base 100+ Tau
d) start a 100+ model Ork Army

All of which is filling me with a surfit of YAWN at the moment. 40k burnout happens to us all, and I'm keen to keep the fires burning with more games and more challenges.

That said ... on Tuesday I was led to the darkside.

A Spanish company have invented a game called Infinity. It's a skirmish game, and the models are comparable to Malifaux for impact and beauty. Anton (of THE ANARCHY) did an intro game, and I'm hooked!

With 40k you have to suspend your disbelief totally ... that's why it always makes me smile when players use 'reality' example to support their (mostly heinous) rules sculpting. The idea that soldiers have to wander around in clumps and can walk out in the open and shoot willy nilly at the enemy without fear of being shot at is silly. I know why its that way, after all 40k ISN'T a skirmish game, its a full on slug-fest.

With Infinity, I'm suddenly getting shot down when I emerge from cover. I can react to getting shot at (by ducking, diving or returning fire)... I'm wielding an Armour Piercing Explosive 2 shot Autocannon which is killing everything it hits ... what's right with this picture...

So I'm diving into Infinity ... and it's easy! I need 20 sided dice (hmm warm D&D feeling), but the rules are online here, there's a very well built army builder software here

I've pumped for the Haqqislam army ... in this future, the different cultures (highly reminiscent of the 'Clash of Civilisations' theory of the early 90's) have buggered off into space and then come back to earth with different experiences.

The armies vary from very low tech, but plentiful and surprising deadly (Dog warriors and Autocannons all round for the Russian derivatives) to Entire Alien races looking like Halo, Gundam and other influences.

I've plumped for Haqqislam (which is space Islamist who are all high tech, environmentalist and balanced) ... as Anton has the Russian angle covered and Spence has a boatload of Chino/Japanese tech.

I've pulled together a 300pt list ... which I'll post up tomorrow. Very Exciting!

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Passing of a hero...

For those of you that didn't get the news flash, Dick Winters (92) of 101st Easy Company died on the 2nd January 2011. Like many normal men (and women) around the world, he was called up to fight in WW2. Unlike many, he was widely credited for being a brilliant leader, a superb officer and a good reason why so many men of Easy made it back.

Unlike so many heroes of the Second World War and other conflicts, Mr. Winters has had his story of bravery and heroism documented (with artistic licence) by both Stephen Ambrose and Tom Hanks/Stephen Spielburg in 'Band of Brothers'.

For those of you who own it, it's time to dust off 'The longest Day' and 'Crossroads' and give some time to think of those men who gave their lives to enable the world we have today. For those of you who don't own Band of Brothers, who (heavens above) have never seen it, it's worth it. They gave us a world where we can thankfully choose whether we want to be in the armed forces or not.

And those other men in their millions (on all sides), each unique and beloved people who cherished and sought and wondered, whose bravery is now sorely forgotten, whose actions are lost with their deaths or misplaced in the miasma of history.

My grandfather was lucky enough to survive the War, despite being shot down over Germany and spending half of the war in Stalag Luft, but he spent his remaining days a broken person in many ways.

How lucky we are.

Damian Lewis as "Lt. Winters" in Band of Brothers (HBO)

Thursday, 6 January 2011

WIP Armoured Defiler

Happy New Year and all that jazz!

As those who have being paying attention will be aware ... my recent efforts to complete the Tyranids were inspired by a simple bribe a defiler. Now before I get into the nitty gritty of the Defiler conversion, a little background on the Swords of Alpharius is required! Bare with it, it's worth it - as it should feed into your feedback...

Swords of Alpharius Fact #1: Realspace Renegades not Warped Monsters

Alike to the Alpha Legion, this sub legion has never 'lived' in the Warp/Eye of Terror/Maelstrom or other Chaos affiliated space. They are not really 'true' chaos-marines, as they're affiliation to the gods of Chaos is weak. Visually this means that I've gone to lengths to remove all 'spiky bits' from models, making them less and less 'chaosy' in an attempt to keep them true to form.

Additionally they are a renegade Chapter, so their equipment comes from many eras, stolen 'modern' jumppacks and meltaguns against Rogue Trader Era beaky conversions.


The Alpha Legion only attacked the Emperor and supported Horus because they had hidden knowledge of the destructive decay and monstrous disaster a "so-called" victory would result in, in effect the 20th Legion chose to put the Imperium out of its misery - something they continue to do. They do so as a means to defeat the Chaos gods - who are fed by the very humans they seek to corrupt. Collapsing the Imperium would irradicate all mankind and leave those civilisations immune to the Chaos powers (Tau and Orks) and those in control-ish of their relationship to Slannesh (Eldar and Delder) to face the great Devourer. Destroying mankind effectively destroys 90% of Chaos.

Swords of Alpharius Fact #2: Technosourcery, not sourcery

As previously explained and demonstrated through multiple models and conversions, the Swords of Alpharius do not use Deamons or Deamonic powers directly. In this aspect I was inspired by Graham McNeill's book "Mechanicum". In that, Mars isn't struck down by a human/Deamonic invasion - but rather by a Deamonic corruption of the code. A sort of Deamon-virus. One idea really inspired me ... but more on that LATER.

Therefore, the Sorceror is a Master of the Forge utilising his technosourcery to corrupt communication or commune direct with the powered armour of his opponents. I was drawn to Huron for the same reason - half robot. In addition, the 'Lesser Deamons' of my army are actually human opponents implanted with necronic crystals as useful test subjects and battlefield fodder.

The Obiliterators are drawn to the Omega, the technosorceror for this same reason.

Swords of Alpharius Fact #3: They are fluffy, not particularly good.

Reading through the '3++' breakdown of the CSM codex, its clear I've bought a few turkeys along the way. I don't have a Deamon Prince (although if I did have the model, I'd necrotise him and use him as either my Deamon Prince, or my Greater Deamon), Although I have Oblits, I've stuck to mainly standard CSM Marines and a few Plague Marines. I've taken Chosen, Raptors and I've taken bikes ... all overpriced - but that is the cost of fluff - sometimes it just has to be done.

I believe they are a suitable 'Alpha' build with lots of hard hitting MSU and delivery options via Icons. Tactically, you could probably take them apart with a small screwdriver and they lack anti-mech punch and anti-horde impact.

But they are my prettiest army and the fluff is great - so why change.

And finally the fecking WIP, honest...

So when chosing my 'present' for a job well done, I decided on a Defiler. Other people suggested a Vindicator for the aggression, but a bloody lump like that didn't fit the Alpha ethos... alternatively it was suggested that Land raider was a good choice, but I was always intending to Deepstrike my Terminators and the same anti-fluff rule applied.

If I was being 'nasty' about it then 3 more Obilts would have been perfect. Giving me 6 anti-tank options. I compromised, and got one more Obilt and a Defiler.

Clickify to Bigify

I was looking to firstly 'de-Chaos' the model, so the clipper came out and took off all the spikes. Additionally the 'chaosface' battlecannon guard when into the bits box and I fashion a more 'armoured one out of other parts. Next up, I collected the plethora of Chimera/Leman Russ track guards and went to work armouring the fella up.

The conversion was very easy. I next looked at the head, I liked none of the existing heads and was busy rummaging in the bits box and asking my wifes opinion when the answer presented itself, the 'skull' of the model was actually more 'mechanicum' and more true than a head piece.

So I left it. It was at this stage that the 'Mechanicum' assassin-robot came back to me, and newly inspired I started scouring the bitsbox for other things to make him look better.

I'm looking to extend the blades on the autocannons and with the addition of a 'sheaf' for the autocannon have a simple swap out of autocannon/Dreadnought CCW. After all additional weapons on this robot are pointless as you can only ever fire the Battlecannon alone as it is Ordnance.

So what do you think, does he fit the repaired/Damaged/Armoured up/De-Chaos'd/Renegade look, and what else do you think I should add to him? Fuel tanks/more armour?

I look forward to hearing...

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Army Showcase: Tyranid Splinter Orobus


Hive Splinter Orobus first entered the Kochi sector 83 years before, while tendrils were repulsed, a select number of Ore refinery asteroids were decimated during this preliminary stage. While the quashing of this infestation was a priority, it was nearly an impossible task. The splinter is believed to have launched multiple spore clusters, nestled within asteroid and hulks throughout the intercine warzone.

As has previously been noted, the machinations of a subset of the Alpha Legion, believed to be the Swords of Alpharius, have only recently been discovered. Their nestine actions may explain the fighting on all sides, from Tau Cadre J'Etsu and rumours of an Ork Hulk entering the region ... nothing bodes well. Now the Swords of Alpharius have converted Kochi Vrai to their cause... and the corruption sets in. Beset between the Tau and the traitors is a hard place.

Even with the might of the Kochi VIII at his command, overall commander Munk struggled to bring his forces to bear and large number of genestealers and other bioforms nested throughout Kochi and the surrounding sectors. With a warzone to move within and such disruption to exploit, refugees pour from sector to sector and stealer cults thrive.

Such is the aspect of Splinter Orobus. The worm of the underworld.


Termagaunts are plentiful (30) in hive fleet Orobus ... I've always preferred the vanilla kind as the Fleshborer (although nerfed under the new rules) has a particularly nasty bite.

24 Hormagaunts bring me cheap and fast close combat options. Against marines, those attacks can really mount up ... I've seen 12 Hormagaunts slaughter 5 terminators. With the upgrades, they become seriously tasty.

I love stealers. The GW model, complete with fluff, is just so much more nefarious than their inspiration - Ridley Scotts Alien. The Broodlord rarely gets to come as he's more baggage than benefit - and I miss his inhuman strength.

The Tyranid Warriors ... 4 with Deathspitters and rending, and 5 with Devourers, lash whips and boneswords. Three cheers for the turkey heads...

The Rippers... and spore mines? I've produced 15 ripper bases purely for the pleasure of growing my own army ... go parasite!


OOP, but close to our hearts - its a Zoat! I generally play him as a proxied HiveGuard in friendlies. The Hiveguards a lovely model - but bloody heavy! The Zoanthropes are far too top heavy and the lictor?? Generally stays at home, unless I feel like proxying the Deathleaper.

Fast Attack

I love Gargoyles. Tactically and strategically they are great value ... but they are a pain to cart about and constantly breaking! Between the Gargoyles and the Hormagaunts I'm fully stocked for 'pointyness' and am NOT interested in Dark Eldar!


The two conversions above are for the Prime and the Parasite. The Parasite is too much fun (especially against Eldar, Tau and Guard) where spawning Rippers is the goal. The Prime's lost a lot of his lustre since the FAQ banned him from a warrior spore. He could roll with the Hiveguard but it seems a little pointless.

This magnetised Carnifex has been playing Tervigon so long I've slotted him into the HQ section. Who wouldn't want a T6 6W troop choice?

Heavy Support

A Trygon and a Trygon Prime. I'm not a fan of the Mawloc - great model, but the lack of attacks and rerolls make him a bit hit and miss. I'd rather be, well, eating stuff!

And finally the Mycetic Spores. I have a leftover (homeless) Tyranid Warrior, who is going to be subsumed into another Spore. I prefer the larger bases as I think this looks the best.


Challenge Suneokun is completed ... with over 2500pts of Tyranids based, painted and built in one month. The defiler is standing by ... and my thoughts on that to follow!