Friday 23 April 2010

Do Chaos Deamons deserve decent deep strike?

Anton's Spectacular Nurgle Deamon Prince ... who is an impressive model
(until he met 'Suneokun's Super Stealthers')

After playing against Anton's Deamons ... I can see how playing Deamons in the current 'metagame' is a frustrating affair. Let's see:
  • You are surrounded by Mech and you are carrying swords...
  • You have 'indestructable flak armour' on troops worth 3-4 guardsmen each...
  • You have very very limited anti-tank options...
  • The units who can 'take the punishment' (Nurgle) are mostly slow and ponderous... sorry purposeful (yeah right?!?)
  • A simple question of 'what's fleet, what's cavalry and what's gonna catch me' organises target priority for your opponent ...
  • You have a weird first turn deployment of 'half' your army ... with the rest in reserve...
  • You have to conform to 'standard' deep strike rules...
  • ... and can therefore have a Warp mishap (which is very odd for a creature of the warp?)...
  • ...and then have to stand around while your opponent runs away/shoots you down.
And there is the biggest problem. I'm going to suggest to Anton that a simple rules merge would make the whole situation for Chaos Deamons in 40k much akin to Chaos Deamons in Warhammer Fantasy (which are lethal).

Daemonic Break Through...

Daemons lie on the edge of reality, phased apart within the chaotic strictures of Warp space. As such , when a Daemonic horde presses the confines of reality it is a simple matter to step through into reality. However, Daemons are notoriously wanton creatures of the immaterium, and after a life-time of anticipation, they may press to hard in their anticipation of the bloodletting to come and risk the displeasure of their masters.

Before deploying a unit via the deepstrike rules, the Deamon player will indicate which units are 'stepping through' and which are 'charging through'

Stepping through: The Deamons pace their entry to the real world. The chaos unit deploys alike to a Drop pod, Trygon or Mycetic Spore. Scatter will effect the unit, but the unit will pull up short of impassable terrain, friendly units or outside 1" of enemy units. The unit may run or fire as normal ... but cannot assault.

Charging through: Unbridled risk is in the lap of the gods ... their patrons: First the Chaos player must select the unit it wishes to charge from the warp.The Chaos unit will roll one D6 and the scatter dice. On the roll of a 'hit', the unit will scatter the D6 inches indicated in the direction of the small hit arrow. On the roll of an arrow, roll a further D6 dice and scatter the full 2D6 as normal. Normal rules for deep strike mishap apply. Units which risk a 'charge through' can assault or run (or both if they are fleet) on the turn they enter play.

So what do you think ... I thought about making the 'charge through' option just deepstriking with a charge ... but it seemed like a remarkable buff. Certain units (especially fleet, Cavalry and beast units) would be crazy not to take option 2... but they are vulnerable to 'picking off' by the opponent.

So what are your thoughts...?