Monday 9 May 2011

LIST: Wacky Tyranid List!

Ok, so this is a little outside the box, but bare with me...

90 Prime, 2x Boneswords
90 Prime, 2x Boneswords
110 Venomthrope x 2
150 HiveGuard x 3
150 HiveGuard x 3
195 Tervigon (AG and TS), Catalyst
195 Tervigon (AG and TS), Catalyst
50 Gaunts x 10
50 Gaunts x 10
90 Rippers x 9
60 Spore Mines x 6
60 Spore Mines x 6
60 Spore Mines x 6
135 Biovore x 3
135 Biovore x 3
135 Biovore x 3

18 Spore Mine Clusters get deployed before your opponent regardless of who goes first ... this gives you the opportunity to completely mess with their deployment in Dawn of War as they cannot set up within 18" of you. So you can potentially force them towards you or off the board entirely. In Spearhead, your spores can form a distraction within the ranks, or a cover save for your approaching troops. This also gives you ploys for dealing with reserves by parking near the edge.

After this the Biovores will hit anything in the open with S4 pinning big blasts... which can quickly add up. Misses are MORE SPORE MINES floating about.

The Primes escort the Hive Guard Forward, pumped with FNP from the Tervigons and gaining a 5+ from the Venomthropes... The tervigons mass produce while the barrage continues.

It's not pretty, it probably wouldn't work - but it would be more chaotic than anything i've ever seen!
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